One Month with Nina
June 27, 2014 at 1:01 pm,
1 comment
I've had some requests to update the blog, so I figured since we had our one month anniversary of her Gotcha Day yesterday, now would be a good time.I can't believe it's only been a month! Really, it feels like she's always been with us. I look at pictures of that scared little face one month ago, and it doesn't seem like the same outgoing and bubbly personality of the girl she is now.
I can hardly remember how she used to hate baths. Now I can barely get her out of the tub!
Last week Nina had her first visit with Dr. Springer - the International Adoption specialist who will be her pediatrician. Dr. Springer was amazed at how well Nina is doing! She had a few vaccinations then and will get blood work on Monday to check her titers to see what else she might need. She received vaccinations in China, but sometimes the strength they give is not sufficient enough and she will need re-vaccinated. She also had a TB test this week, which was negative.
Last weekend Nina went to her first baseball tournament and saw her first beach! She loved the sand! She also enjoyed the tournament! She played with the other kids (she loved being the center of attention) and also watched some baseball! She clapped when we clapped and gave all the boys "thumbs up" when they came out onto the field for the championship game!
She also finally tasted ice cream for the first time! We've tried giving it to her before and she wouldn't taste it. This time she did and loved it! Daddy was so happy it was an excuse to get ice cream every night at the beach!

Nina watched Evan hitting a baseball in the driveway and she wanted to try it herself! Evan got the tee and kid bat out for her, showed her how to hold it, and she was hitting the ball herself! He is so proud of her and hopes to be her tee ball coach someday!

As much as Nina loves playing outside, she is also a little girly girl. She loves jewelry and shoes (she's very particular about her shoes!). She doesn't like any crumbs on her face or hands and always helps put things away! She's constantly dancing - even when shes sitting down! She loves imitating and knows how to do different expressions such as "happy", "sad", and "surprised".
(Nina's sad face)

She loves getting kisses, especially from her brothers! But, they can't ask her for one. No! She has to tell them when she wants a kiss and they have to drop everything and come running! She is such a little princess already!
People love to tell me how lucky she is to be party of her family. But that's not true. Sure, she's better off with us than in the orphanage, but she would've been adopted by some family at some point. We are the ones who are lucky to have the sweetest, funniest, prettiest, and smartest little girl. We are blessed beyond words!
I can't wait to meet her!!! Congratulations to you all!
Jen Neill