One Week

Today we spent the morning shopping and then had a group dinner at a Portuguese/ Cantonese restaurant. Nina tried mostly everything, but when she was ready to leave, she was ready to leave! She's getting comfortable and isn't shy about letting us know what she wants!
When Doug got up to get something she said "dada" and pointed to him! I was so surprised and said "what did you say?" And she whispered "Dada"! She really is understanding what we are saying. It's amazing how quickly she is picking up English. We will tell her to throw something in the garbage and she will or ask her to get something and give it to one of us and she does it. She tries to imitate us, too. If Doug winks at her, she will try to wink back! She's really a smart little girl. She is also doing better with bath and bed time too!
Tomorrow is her medical exam appointment. Thankfully she doesn't turn two until Friday and doesn't have to get any blood drawn!