Scorpions and Pizza Exotica
May 23, 2014 at 7:54 pm,
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Last night we took a walk through the night market where they sell street foods. All kinds of meats on sticks. Everything from beef, chicken, squid, spiders, scorpions, pigeons (whole bodies including the beak), silk cocoons, sea horses ,and starfish. We knew we wouldn't be eating anything, but we had no idea how bad it was going to smell. All that meat and seafood sitting uncooked in 90 degree weather. 

After that, the thought of any food at all wasn't very appealing. We walked through the mall (beautiful mall by the way!) and decided on Pizza Hut. I know, but we just needed something basic at that point. However, Pizza Hut was anything but! It is interesting and exotica to say the least!
We had to explain we wanted just cheese pizza. And it did hit the spot!