Surrounded by Love
May 4, 2014 at 12:34 pm,
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We are just so blessed to be surrounded by so many friends. Last night, Doug and I were supposed to go to dinner to celebrate our birthdays coming up in a few weeks. We knew that with baseball games and traveling there wasn't much free time around our actual birthdays. I came home from Evan's game, showered, and got ready for a night out, but Doug wanted to stop at the Moellers who were having a few hockey friends over. When I walked up to the door, there were no cars so I figured we were the first ones there. Greg answered and welcomed us inside, but when we walked into the kitchen, it was a surprise shower! What? I was in shock! Then came the tears! Even my mom and kids were there! (and turns out everyone was in on the secret but me!)(What??)
(Completely in shock here!)
I think I might still be in shock! The decorations were gorgeous. It was the most beautiful shower I've ever seen. I can't put into works how thoughtful and kind my friends and neighbors are to do such a generous thing for us. We are really just so incredibly lucky!
(My kids even had gifts for their new sister. Thanks mom!)
(If I knew where they were going, I would've made them dress nicer!)
(Family picture before the boys left. They had their own party at home and then came back.)
(Opening gifts. Look at that stack to my right. We are so spoiled! And Nina will most definitely be the best dressed two year old around!)
(Some of my beautiful friends! I love you ladies!)
I can't even begin to put into words how fortunate we feel. We are not only grateful for the gifts at the shower and the hand me downs of beautiful clothes, toys, books, etc, that friends have given us over the last month, but we are so incredibly grateful for all of our friends and family. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives!